Frequently Asked Questions

Who can write for ARMOR?

We accept articles from military and civilian writers who have subject-matter expertise on their Armor- or Cavalry-centric topic. We also accept articles that contribute to maneuver or combined-arms professional development.

How can I submit an article?

Complete instructions are on our “About ARMOR magazine” page.

How are articles selected for publication?

We select articles based on their professional-development content, especially those that support our current edition’s theme most strongly.

Do you accept unsolicited articles/book reviews?

Yes. Please see our writer’s guidelines.

Do you have mandatory word count requirements for articles?

No, although we do for book reviews and letters to the editor. Please see our notes on article length in our writer’s guidelines.

Whom can I talk to about an idea I have for an article?

No need to personally pitch an article. Just follow our writer’s guidelines.

Can I submit an article to two publishing sources simultaneously?

No. ARMOR will not publish your article if it is pending publication by another source. Once the other source has published the article, ARMOR may contact the other publisher for permission to reprint. More details are on our “About ARMOR magazine” page.

How can I get access to archived issues to the magazine?

Our more recent issues (comparatively speaking, as ARMOR goes back 125 years) are available linked from our homepage. We are in the process of getting the older issues digitized and on-line.

I am conducting research for a school paper; what is the best way to find articles on a particular topic?

Right now, unfortunately, by searching article by article in what we have on-line. We are building our search capability and will have our editions, which are available in Portable Document Format, embedded with key words … or articles available in HTML … or we’ll be connected to Donovan Research Library’s digital collections, using their taxonomy – or all of the preceding.

How do I subscribe to the magazine?

Depending on whether you’re an individual or unit, the subscription information will be a little different. Please see our “About ARMOR magazine” page.

How can I add my unit to your distribution list?

Please see preceding question.

Can I reprint one of your articles in our unit newsletter?

Absolutely. ARMOR is in the public domain. Unless we have a copyright note at the end of an article, then permission to publish applies only to us and you’d need to contact the publisher of the article to obtain permission for yourself.

Is there a gallery of Armor-related photos?

The Maneuver Center of Excellence Public Affairs Office has posted Armor-related photos Here – you’re welcome to search there while we build our capabilities. Photo and art galleries, including the covers of our long-time art director, Jody Harmon, will eventually be available linked from our homepage.