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What’s Missing in Your Leader or Self-Development Program? The Answer is Probably Military History!

by Maj. Shameek De Lancey

Military professionals have debated the usefulness and value of studying military history for centuries. The debate within the U.S. Army has ebbed and flowed depending on the Army’s operating tempo (OPTEMPO) or on senior leader emphasis and beliefs about the “practicality” of studying military history for the average military professional.

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Featured in ARMOR

The Dilemma of “Tactical” Surrender

by Col. David Krynicki, Maj. Christopher Gamble, Maj. Joseph Lambert and Maj. Matthew J. Smith

As the training focus shifts from counterinsurgency (COIN) to large-scale combat operations (LSCO) in the near-peer strategic environment, a different set of dilemmas with legal implications will present themselves to maneuver leaders.

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Featured in ARMOR

Bullets or Weapons: Rethinking Army’s Approach to SUAS Integration

by Lt. Col. Mitchell Payne

At Fort Moore’s 2023 Maneuver Warfighter Conference, senior leaders from across the military gathered to discuss the future of maneuver warfighting. GEN Randy A. George, Chief of Staff of the Army, laid out four focus areas, which included the need for continuous transformation. One example he mentioned was how the Army needs to fundamentally reexamine how we think about small, unmanned aircraft systems (SUAS).

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Featured in ARMOR

Notes from the Field: Practices for Enhancing Your Rotational Deployment

by Lt. Col. Timothy W. Decker and Maj. Alexander Boroff

Rotational deployments are not new experiences for our Army. Nevertheless, each one is different enough that it warrants its own special considerations. This article describes several best practices for units to consider as they embark upon a rotational deployment to the eastern flank of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO).

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