The G3/Maneuver Center of Excellence Library Division supports the training of Soldiers. MCoE Libraries provides academic reference, doctrinal research and bibliographic services in support of the students, faculty and staff of the Maneuver Center of Excellence. The Library Division provides reach-back capability from the force worldwide to the MCoE.
MCoE HQ Donovan Research Library, 7533 Holtz St, Building 70, Suite 1025, Fort Moore, GA 31905
HOURS: Monday-Thursday - 0900-1600; Friday - Virtual Services include Reference Assistance and Curbside/Materials Pickup Service.
CLOSED: Weekends, Training and Federal Holidays.
CURBSIDE SERVICE: Monday-Friday. Email the Virtual Reference Desk. Library account is required.
CLEARING: Face to face during business hours Monday-Thursday. On Fridays, call the front desk at 706-545-5661 and we will come and get your clearing papers. Per MCoE Regulation 612-1 dated 10 February 2015 - The Army Combat Uniform (ACU) is required for all permanent party and tenant unit Soldiers to clear. No Exceptions. Soldiers whose duty uniform are civilian clothing are excused, i.e., Criminal Investigation Division (CID) agents, Military Police Investigator (MPI) or other agents.
CIRCULATION DESK: 706-545-5661; DSN: 835-5661