Performance Triad App Now Available

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Members of the U.S. Army Public Health Command, the Performance Triad Team at the Office of the Surgeon General, and the Combined Arms Support Center Sustainment Center of Excellence Mobile Team recently released the first version of the Performance Triad app for global distribution. This app provides specific educational resources for squad leaders, Soldiers, spouses, civilians, health care workers, pre-retirees, and retirees on how to optimize their performance and enhance their health.

For example, leaders can quickly get information on how to schedule sleep and rest cycles to maximize unit performance during field exercises. The Performance Triad app also provides leaders information about refueling after exercise to maintain performance over sustained operations.

Personal lifestyle choices make a huge impact on health, wellness, and readiness. Sleep, activity, and nutrition enable Soldiers, their Families, and retirees to reach their goals and their full potential.

The free app can be downloaded for iPhones, iPads, Android devices, and Windows phones by searching for “Performance Triad.”

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Figure 1 — Bradley ECP 1 & 2 Technologies