Battle Drill 9: React to Indirect Fire (07-3-D9504)


Dismounted, the unit is moving, conducting operations. Any Soldier gives the alert, “INCOMING ,” or a round impacts nearby. Mounted, the unit is stationary or moving, conducting operations. The alert, “INCOMING ,” comes over the radio or intercom or rounds impact nearby.


This drill begins when any member alerts, “INCOMING ,” or a round impacts.


Dismounted, Soldiers immediately seek the best available cover. The unit moves out of the area to the designated rally point after the impacts. Mounted, when moving, drivers immediately move their vehicles out of the impact area in the direction and distance ordered. If stationary, drivers start their vehicles and move in the direction and distance ordered. Unit leaders report the contact to higher headquarters.


1. Dismounted. Unit personnel take the following actions:

    a. Any Soldier announces, “INCOMING!”
    b. Soldiers immediately assume the prone position or move to immediate available cover during initial impacts.
    c. The unit leader orders the unit to move to a rally point by giving a direction
    and distance.
    d. Soldiers move rapidly in the direction and distance to the designated rally point, after the impacts.
    e. The unit leaders report the contact to higher headquarters.

2. Mounted. Unit personnel take the following actions:

    a. Any Soldier announces, “INCOMING !”
    b. Vehicle commanders repeat the alert over the radio.
    c. The leaders give the direction and linkup location over the radio.
    d. Soldiers close all hatches, if applicable to the vehicle type; gunners stay below turret shields or get down into the vehicle.
    e. Drivers move rapidly out of the impact area in the direction ordered by the leader.
    f. Unit leaders report the contact to higher headquarters.