Fort Moore

U.S. Army Fort Moore and The Maneuver Center of Excellence

Student Information Site

Student Information



  1. Personnel must arrive with the following on DAY 0, or they will be recommended MEDICAL DROP:
    1. Ranger approved physical examination (DD 2807-1, DD 2808), and copies of all laboratory or specialized consultations, dated within 18 MONTHS of course start date. Physical examination standards are IAW AR 40-501, Chapter 2, and 5-3; AR 40-502, Chapter 4-13; DA PAM 40-502, Chapter 6-3, and 6-5; and DODI 6130.03, Section6. Examination performed as per Chapter 5 and Chapter 6 of DA PAM 40-502. Below is the link to the examination checklist.
    2. Medical Records: With the advent of MHS Genesis the computer-based record keeping system; medical records will no longer be brought to Ranger course by students. Ranger students will only bring a copy of their current physical (signed by a Doctor), and a MEDPROS print out that includes a routine immunization summary
    3. A complete physical includes: completed DD Form 2807/2808 with a doctor and dentist signature; current DD Form 2216E (audiogram); a printed copy of all required labs, radiology reports, and EKG as applicable.
    4. Appropriate waivers: Waivers will be attached to the Ranger Physical or inserted into the Medical Records. See Waiver section below for more detailed information.
    5. Soldiers attending a winter class (any class that has any training conducted between 16 OCT - 14 APR of any given year) must have documentation showing they have received their yearly flu shot. Soldiers that do not have the documentation will not be enrolled into the class.
    6. All Documentation will be screened by medics with a Physician Assistant present to answer questions. There will not be a Physician present to sign physicals or clear students of medical conditions.

Link to PE checklist


  1. Medical conditions that do not meet the standards of AR 40-501 and the DOD Instruction 6130.03, Volume 1 can be considered for a waiver. For information concerning medical waivers please contact the ARTB Medical Team at (706) 544-6674 or email at Prior to requesting a waiver from the Airborne and Ranger Training Brigade, the condition must be evaluated by a specialist in that medical area. Once the evaluation is complete, the physical examination, all supporting documentation, and the waiver request form will be scanned and emailed to the ARTB Medical Team NLT 10 working days prior to the class start date.
  2. Forms will be reviewed, and a decision made on waiver approval. Student will be contacted via email with attached waiver approval or disapproval.
  3. LASIK/PRK: Currently, waivers for PRK or LASIK are only needed if the procedure was completed within 3 months of course start date. See link below for waiver form. Have the form completed by Ophthalmologist or Optometrist and attach it to the physical examination.
  4. Currently the following medical criteria are non-waiverable:
    1. Chronic or daily medications will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis/li>
    2. Any condition that would make a soldier non-deployable
    3. Previous hot weather injury (cannot begin course from 15 April- 15 October).
    4. Previous cold weather injury (cannot begin course from 16 October-14 April).

Waiver Flow Chart

POC and Request Memo Format

United States Army Ranger School Medical Waiver Request Form

PRK Waiver Form



  1. The Ranger course is very physically demanding. It is impractical to report to the course if you are not 100% physically ready. Minor conditions will only intensify and worsen. It is in your best interest to wait until you are physically ready before reporting.
  2. Chronic orthopedic conditions involving the back, shoulders, knees, or ankles are among the most common reasons for being unable to continue or complete the training.
  3. Medical coverage is 24-7 during your training. You will have daily and immediate access to health care or emergency treatment. The mission of the medical personnel assigned to the RTB is to keep you in training.
  4. If a condition arises of a nature that will preclude you from remaining or completing the training or is a risk to your health, you will be recommended Medical Drop or Recycle. You will only be allowed to recycle one class, if your condition will not improve to the point of being able to fully train, you will be dropped.
  5. You are allowed 72 hours of sick call time for the entire course.
  6. The respective Battalion commanders and the Brigade commander are the final authority on Medical Drops and Recycles.
  7. You will not be allowed to bring or use ANY medications of ANY type unless provided or approved by the RTB medical personnel.
  8. You are not allowed to bring or use ANY medically related items unless they are on the Ranger Course packing list.


  1. 15 April through 15 October is considered the hot weather training cycles at ARTB. If you are a previous HWI (Hot Weather Injury) you will not be allowed to begin training during these months. Temperatures routinely reach 95 degrees in the summer on Ft. Moore. If you are reporting from a cooler geographical climate, it is highly recommended that you try to report early to acclimate to this weather. Click the below link for the Acclimatization Guide.
  2. Numerous studies have been conducted here and the ARTB is among the best in the Army at preventing, recognizing, and treating HWI. The ARTB has implemented changes to training that have dramatically reduced our HWI. The use of ORS (Oral Rehydration Salts), and other fluid electrolyte replacement modalities have become a key part of that. They will be provided to you daily in all phases and their use is mandatory.
  3. If you sustain a serious HWI during the summer months, you will be Medically Dropped.
  4. Contact the BDE Surgeon at 706-544-6674 for previous HWI clarification criteria or to request a waiver.


  1. 16 October through 14 April is considered the cold weather training cycles. If you are a previous CWI (Cold Weather Injury) you will not be allowed to begin training during these months. Although we are in a Southern climate, temperatures can routinely reach 20-45 degrees throughout the ARTB. With the decreased nutritional intake, loss of body fat, and constant exposure, there is an increased risk for CWI. The use of ORS (Oral Rehydration Salts), and other fluid electrolyte replacement modalities have become a key part of that. They will be provided to you daily in all phases and their use is mandatory.
  2. Contact the BDE Surgeon at 706-544-6674 for previous CWI clarification criteria or to request a waiver.

Acclimatization Guide


Breakdown of medical conditions seen on average (Numbers will of course vary slightly by phase and depending on training cycles):

  • Musculoskeletal (Orthopedic conditions) 40%
  • Cellulitis (Skin infections) 20%
  • Flora/Fauna 15%
  • Illness (Cough/Colds) 10%
  • HWI/CWI 10%
  • Foot Care 5%

Cellulitis is a soft tissue skin infection seen routinely here in the course, usually secondary from small cuts or scratches. The knees and elbows are very common locations. It usually responds well to antibiotic therapy.Cellulitis is a soft tissue skin infection seen routinely here in the course, usually secondary from small cuts or scratches. The knees and elbows are very common locations. It usually responds well to antibiotic therapy.

On the Back On the Feet On the Fingers On the Knee On the Thigh
Back Cellulitis Cellulitis on the Feet Cellulitis on the fingers Cellulitis on the Knee Cellulitis on the Thigh

Flora/Fauna. Most plants and insects that you will encounter here are not of the friendly variety. Poison Ivy, Oak and Sumac are extremely prevalent in this region. Fire ants, Hornets, Wasps, Mosquito’s, Chiggers and Ticks are predominant here.

Ant Bites Copperhead Bite Copperhead Bite Spider Bite Poison Sumac
Ant Bites Copperhead Bite 1 Copperhead Bite 2 Spider Bite Poison Sumac

Foot Care. This is a basic soldier skill. Your feet have to carry you for the entire course, not taking care of them early will only result in the course being harder for you than it already is. Foot powder, changing socks and blister care are the keys to keeping your feet in shape. We will provide you with the materials and guidance, but you need to take responsibility for taking care of your own feet.

Foot Care 1 Foot Care 2 Foot Care 3 Foot Care 4
Foot Care 1 Foot Care 2 Foot Care 3 Foot Care 3


  1. Ranger Course is very physically demanding and will put a lot of stress on your physical well-being. Not everyone will be able to complete the course, everyone will get sprains, strains, bumps and bruises. Learning to train with these conditions is part of the course.
  2. You are expected to participate in all the training events. There are no temporary profiles or duty limitations if you remain in training. You are either in training 100%, Medically Recycled, or Medically Dropped.
  3. Trust what the RI’s and medical personnel are telling you to do, they do this 11 times a year.
  4. Questions on any of the above information should be directed to the BDE Surgeon at 706-544-6674.

Rangers Lead The Way!