Fort Moore

U.S. Army Fort Moore and The Maneuver Center of Excellence

Internal Review Site

Fort Moore Internal Review

Interal Review Logo

The Fort Moore Internal Review (IR) office serves as the Commander's principal advisor for internal audits. IR is an independent and objective review and analysis activity within the command designed to add value and improve command or supported activity operations. IR helps the Commander accomplish mission objectives by bringing a systematic, disciplined approach to evaluate and improve the effectiveness of risk management, control, and command oversight. IR engagements are based on statutory, regulatory, and command requirements; valid requests for services; and needs developed from risk assessments. The IR office provides the following services:

  • Audits
    • Performance Audits
    • Financial Audits
    • Attestation Engagements
  • Audit Follow-Up
  • Liaison with External Agencies
  • Army Audit Sustainment
  • Antideficiency Act (ADA) Violation Investigations


The IR mission is to serve as a team of highly professional auditors who are catalysts for risk assessment and management controls, providing:

  • Innovative internal audit services to leadership that are objective, relevant and timely.
  • Best value while fostering an environment of continuous improvement.


The IR vision is to be the premier source to decision makers for professional, objective, timely, relevant information and strategies for achieving continuous organizational improvement and accountability.