The complaint must be presented to an EEO official within 45 calendar days from the date of the incident, or, if a personnel action, within 45 calendar days of its effective date, or the date that the complainant became aware of, or reasonably should have become aware of the discriminatory act or personnel action. Matters raised after the 45-day time limit will be inquired into by an Counselor even though a formal complaint may be dismissed later for un-timeliness.
The complainant’s identity will not be revealed unless the complainant gives written permission, or at such time a formal complaint is accepted.
Initially, an aggrieved person (employee or job applicant) must contact a EEO official who will conduct an information inquiry to gather the allegations of discrimination (basis/matter identified by the aggrieved). The EEO official will advise the aggrieved of the EEO complaint procedures, to include the option for the aggrieved to elect Mediation or traditional counseling during the informal process.