The Fort MooreAffirmative Employment Program (AEP) is designed to implement affirmative actions to overcome the effects of past and present discriminatory practices, policies, or other barriers that prohibit equal employment opportunity in the work place. These designated affirmative actions will work toward the achievement of a diverse work force in occupational categories in consonant with the census availability data provided by EEOC; DoD and Army goals established for hiring and placement of employees and individuals with disabilities; guidance provided by OPM for the hiring and placement of disabled veterans. The AEPP will also work toward the achievement of diverse representation of civilian personnel at all levels and/or job categories at this installation.
The AEPP plan required by the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) promotes equal employment opportunity for Army civilian employees and applicants. The installation’s AEP Plan includes aggregate work force analysis and goal accomplishment data. The local AEPP also identifies ways to remove barriers to the employment and advancement of women, minorities, individuals with disabilities, and disabled veterans.